~Movies that River has appered in~ *******************************************************  7 brides for 7 brothers (1982)TV Celebrity (1984)mini series Backwards:the Riddle of Dyslexia (1984)TV Explorers (1985)movie Surviving: A family crisis (1985)TV Robert Kennedy and His Times (1985)TV Stand By Me (1986)movie The Mosquito Coast (1986)movie Circle of violence: A family drama (1986)movie Running on Empty (1988)movie A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon (1988)movie Little Nikita (1988)movie Indiana Jones and the Lost Cusade (1989)movie Trivia~When describing how he prepared for playing the role of young Indiana Jones, River Phoenix explained that he didn't really base his portrayal on the Indiana Jones character. Instead, he decided to his rendition of actor Harrison Ford. So he observed Ford out of character before acting his part. I Love You to Death (1990)movie My Own Private Idaho (1991)movie Teen Vid 2 (1991)TV Dogfight (1991)movie Sneakers (1992)movie Trivia~ Mother wears a T-shirt bearing the name "Aleka's Attic", a band formed by co-star River Phoenix. Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (1993)movie Thing Called Love (1993)movie Silent Tonge (1993)movie Canceled Lives: letters from the inside (1993) ~TV shows River appered in~ Family Ties (1982) It's Your Movie (1984)*piolt* Hotel (1983)

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Favorite Movie ~I think that Stand by me is the best movie that River ever played in. Its one of those movies that every one can relate to. I mean everyone has been 12 before, if you think back to when you were younger about 12. Those where the days when you weren't scared of anything, all you wanted to do was hang out with your friends(and you know you did some crazy suff that you probably wouldn't do now). I know that when I was that age my friends and I were just like that. And at the end of the movie when Rob Reiner says he will probably never have friends like he did when he was 12, I think to myself that is so true. Ever since Middle School ended my friends and I haven't ever been as close as we were, when we where 12.Just like the Movie, Chris (played by River) and Gorddy go off to the all the normal classes and the other two go to the shop classes. |